Let’s conquer lupus together
Support Research
Lupus Research has progressed substantially over the last 25 years improving the lives of Lupus patients. However, a cure has yet to be found. Many doctors and scientists are investigating the cause of and a cure for lupus. At medical centres worldwide (including Canada), research has led to improved tests and techniques for diagnosis and better methods for predicting flares. These studies allow doctors to start treatment sooner, which improves chances for success.
Lupus Ontario currently funds the annual Geoff Carr Lupus Research Fellowship, The Honey Agar Fellowship for High-Risk Pregnancy in Rheumatic Diseases and the six accredited Lupus Clinics across the province, which provide research and patient education to those living with lupus.
With your support, we hope to one day Live a Life Without Lupus.
Your Donation to Research Supports the Following:

Lupus Ontario Geoff Carr Research Fellowship
One of our most important initiatives is the annual Lupus Ontario Geoff Carr Lupus Research Fellowship. This Fellowship has trained over 30 Fellows in best practices in diagnosing and treating lupus. The education received by these Fellows is changing the quality of life and outcomes for lupus patients.
Lupus Ontario Previously Funded:
Lupus Ontario Anne Matheson Biobank
We recently completed our three year commitment of $150,000 to fund the start up and first two years of operation of a lupus biobank at the McMaster Lupus Clinic in Hamilton.